B2B registration

Over the years Nunoya has gained a diverse range of professional clients. We supply individual fashion designers to multi-brand fashion retailers. We supply small patchwork shops in charming villages up to some of the largest fabric emporiums in Europe.


To open a B2B account with us, you should be a an existing business or in the process of gaining your business registration. The link below will open the registration form. If you are VAT registered please ensure that your VAT number is registered for European trade by checking VIES, the European VAT database.

If you are not VAT registered, please describe your business legal status in the comments section of the form, for example if you are a Spanish autónomo or if you are a French "auto-entrepreneur" or "micro-entreprise".

You should be in a position to order 10m or 12m pieces with a minimum first order of 300 Euros.

Please fill out registration form by clicking this link: Apply for a B2B account